News Channel 5 Quietly Removes Unsubstantiated Claim by Phil Williams that Andy Ogles ‘Kept the Money’

News Channel 5 published an article at 1:23 pm on Wednesday written by long time investigative reporter Phil Williams which stated that Rep. Andy Ogles (R-TN-05) “kept the money” raised eight years ago in a GoFundMe campaign meant for a memorial garden in honor of his infant son Hugh Lincoln Ogles, who died in 2014. A total of $23,565 was raised.

“What did Congressman Andy Ogles do with nearly $25,000 meant for child burial garden? He won’t say,” Williams’ headline says, with an additional sub-heading: “Ogles used photo of stillborn child for GoFundMe, promising a place for burial of babies with benches for families, life-size statue of Jesus. It never happened, but he kept the money. (emphasis added)


More than seven hours later, at 8:44 pm Wednesday evening, the portion of the headline that claimed Ogles “kept the money” was changed by News Channel 5 to read: “Ogles used photo of stillborn child for GoFundMe, promising a place for burial of babies with benches for families, life-size statue of Jesus. It never happened, and he won’t say where money went.” (emphasis added)


The unsubstantiated claim made by Williams that Ogles “kept the money” lived on the internet for more than seven hours, more than enough time for other news outlets around the country to pick it up and repeat it. The unacknowledged edit made by News Channel 5 to correct Williams’ original assertion that Ogles “kept the money” to “Ogles won’t say where [the] money went,” materially softens the allegations made by Williams about Ogles.

The Tennessee Star asked News Channel 5 in an email on Thursday why they had corrected the error in the original story – the claim, without evidence, that Ogles “kept the money” – but failed to follow their own policy to transparently and prominently acknowledge the error and correction.

The corrections policy of Scripps News – which owns News Channel 5 – states, in part:

– We correct or clarify errors promptly, prominently and transparently.

 – We will broadcast and/or publish corrections and clarifications. These corrections will be prominent so there is no confusion about what changes were made to a story.

As of press time, News Channel 5 has not responded.

For his part, Phil Williams, the author of the original article which included his error where he asserted as fact – without evidence – that Ogles “kept the money,” seemed eager to get away from his original error. Williams failed to acknowledge his original error in a retweet he published at 9:27 pm Wednesday of a tweet by Dr. Joy Henningsen, who, earlier on Wednesday, falsely claimed “NC5 never said that he [Ogles] kept the money (which the Right is falsely blasting Williams for).”

Late Thursday, Dr. Joy Henningsen set her Twitter account to private.

On Wednesday, The Tennessee Star reported that, “Ogles’ office confirmed that the funds raised through GoFundMe account have been spent in financial support of other families who have lost children over a period of several years, and that accounting records will confirm those expenditures actually exceed the amount contributed to the GoFundMe account.”

As of Thursday evening, Congressman Ogles has not produced those accounting records.

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Michael Patrick Leahy is the Editor in Chief of The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Leahy on Twitter at @michaelpleahy.
Photo “Phil Williams” by News Channel 5.




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4 Thoughts to “News Channel 5 Quietly Removes Unsubstantiated Claim by Phil Williams that Andy Ogles ‘Kept the Money’”

  1. Debbie

    This is “political production” is not the “Freedom of the Press” this is Hunting Witches which was abandoned in the 17th Century. Sowing seeds of division is of no help to this Great Country. Mr. Williams could have handled this in a more dignified manner, and should the outcome be Mr. Ogles in the wrong, than Mr. Ogles should have had an opportunity to set it right. That is the American way.

  2. Truthy McTruthFace

    phil williams is a liberal scumbag

  3. Tim Price

    Phil Williams is a total scum bag liberal hack. His “reporting” suggested that Ogles keep the money!

    Nashville media has become total bias in favor of liberals!

    Really wonder if Jim Cooper profited off this wife’s death?

    I really don’t care but i have to ask the question to keep thing fair!

    Phil Williams has caused the Ogles family pain and agony. He should be punished for this example of “Black” journalism!

    But he will not be!

  4. Randy

    The Democrat Party communications department once again demonstrating their willingness to print anything that supports a false narrative. The division in this country is real and it is being fueled by this this type of daily trash from the left.
